Warner Theatre Addition

Erie, Pennsylvania – Work is underway in Erie, Pennsylvania on the $30 Million addition to the historic Warner Theatre. Coates Construction is performing the $14 Million general trades contract.
The theater opened on April 10, 1931, and is on the National Register of Historic Places. To accommodate larger shows, the renovations will create 13,750 square feet of new space; rehabilitate 9,000 square feet of existing space; and increase the stage depth by 20 feet. The work will also add new rigging, an updated sound system, new loading docks, a rehearsal hall, dressing rooms, additional production equipment, and a customized orchestral shell. The theater upgrades include an enclosed walkway that will be affixed to the theater along French Street.
Construction began with the demolition of the existing stage box. Excavation of the below grade level followed; and, Coates is currently working on the concrete phase of the project. The new stage box consists of cast-in-place concrete frame and walls to 60′ high, on top of which sits structural steel and structural precast concrete. The cast-in-place concrete and precast walls will be covered in decorative concrete panels.